’Grandma is a woman who doesn’t have her own children. She loves the little boys and girls who are other people’s children. Grandpa is li...
’Grandma is a woman who doesn’t have her own children. She loves the little boys and girls who are other people’s children. Grandpa is like a male grandma. He takes long walks with the boys, and they talk about fishing and other stuff.
Grandmas don’t have to do anything, they just come to visit. They’re old, so they mustn’t run or do a lot of jumping. But they can take us to a fair, and it seems that they have a lot of money, because they always let us ride the merry-go-round.
While out on walks, they often stop to take a closer look at all sorts of things, like pretty leaves or caterpillars. They never tell us to ’hurry up.’ They wear glasses and can take their own teeth out.
Grandmas don’t have to be super clever, just enough to answer important questions, like ’why do dogs chase after cats?’, or ’where’s the worm’s head?’ When they read us bedtime stories, they never skip anything or argue that we’ve already read this one.
Everyone should try to make sure that they have a grandma, because they’re the only grown-ups who find time for kids.’
Source: http://brightside.me/