Twenty-two-year-old Chloe Dastan and her husban faced a stark choice: accept the premature birth of their triplets and the risks involved...
Twenty-two-year-old Chloe Dastan and her husban faced a stark choice: accept the premature birth of their triplets and the risks involved, or save two out of three babies. At that point, the couple already had three kids. They took the decision to try to save all three of the triplets, even though their term was just 28 weeks. Thankfully, this story has a very happy ending. Chloe now regularly reveals how the family’s life is developing now that they have six delightful children on her instagram account, ’chloeandbeans’.
When you see some of these photos, you can’t help but share the family’s joy at what they have. Wonderful!
You’re joking! Another three siblings?
Ta dah! Dreams really can come true!
We love you, mommy!
The proud parents together
A day out — as a family of eight!