A 70-year-old farmer named Winston Howes decided to plant an everlasting and touching tribute to his late wife. Winston’s wife, Janet, di...
A 70-year-old farmer named Winston Howes decided to plant an everlasting and touching tribute to his late wife. Winston’s wife, Janet, died suddenly from heart failure at the age of 50. Over the course of a week, the farmer planted 6,000 oak saplings in a six-acre field. After 20 years, his romantic labor of love has now blossomed into a mature meadow in the shape of a heart. It is hidden from the nearby roads and you would never know it was there unless you viewed it from the sky. This incredible symbol of love remained a family secret until a balloonist noticed it by chance from the air.
’’This idea came to me like a flash of inspiration,’’ said Mr. Howes, ’’I thought that it would be a lovely and lasting tribute to her that would be here for years. Once we planted several thousand oak trees with my son, we put a seat in the field, overlooking the hill near where she used to live in her childhood.’’
’’We planted daffodils in the middle of the heart that come up in the spring — it looks great. I go down there from time to time just to sit and think about important things.’’ Says the most devoted and loyal husband in the world.
Source: http://brightside.me/