A tender friendship between a cow and a cat on a farm in Quebec, Canada. The elephants are throwing water on the villagers durin...
A tender friendship between a cow and a cat on a farm in Quebec, Canada.
The elephants are throwing water on the villagers during the celebration of the New Year (Songkran) in Ayutthaya province, north of Bangkok, Thailand.
A flight attendant feeding an old man who has recently undergone a stroke.
Paralyzed dogs get a chance to move and live a happy life as they used to. Lima, Peru
A Zookeeper presents a walrus with a birthday cake made of herring.
Naoto Matsumura is the only person who wasn’t afraid of living in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone. He left the town with the others, but then returned to take care of animals left at home.
During the flood not far from Noakhali District, in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, a boy named Bilal saw a sinking young deer away from its family. Risking his life, he saved the animal from drowning.
Two girls running across the field of bluebells. Marlborough, South England
When a mother of five was urgently hospitalized, these young policemen washed all of the dishes in the house and prepared a lunch for the kids.
Source: http://brightside.me/