I had gotten Betsy about a week before my mom passed-less than two months before my wedding. It felt like my who life was crumbling. The...
I had gotten Betsy about a week before my mom passed-less than two months before my wedding. It felt like my who life was crumbling. The only reason I would get up in the morning was because I knew I couldn’t let this six month old baby bunny starve. Betsy felt my anguish, and would hop up on the couch and lay next to me. She wouldn’t leave my side and it was in her I found the strength to begin to heal.
In November 2013 Betsy became therapy pet and on March 5, 2016, Walter passed his certification test. We now had two of only four Pet Partners certified therapy rabbits in the state of Wisconsin and two of only about 100 out of over 13,000 Pet Partners therapy teams. Studies show rabbits can actually make better therapy animals than dogs as they are less intimidating.
One of my favourite stories was when we were down on the lake front having a cup of coffee and a woman came up to me and asked if she could take a picture of Walter and Betsy, stating her daughter would be so excited. She told that our rabbit saved her daughter’s life. After seeing Betsy she begged her parents for a rabbit. They went out and adopted one, and the little girl has become more upbeat, she takes care of the bunny and seems to have a more positive outlook on life.
Source: http://www.boredpanda.com/